Cornwall Beneath and Beyond by Cornwall Writers is an eclectic collection of short stories written by authors from across Cornwall.
Capturing the essence of Cornish spirit – beneath windswept cliffs, beyond ancient ruins – Cornwall Writers invite you to dive deep into the uncanny and mysterious and explore their captivating world of folklore and imagination.
A man full of ale won’t think twice about taking on a monster. After Victor, Catherine Leyshon
On television, a woman pan-fries Mount’s Bay sardines on a Cornish beach. She tilts the skillet to the camera. ‘So fresh they don’t know they’re dead.’ The Good Daughter, Mike Davis
‘Dad, seriously. There’s no Cat of Camborne.’ ‘You say that as you’ve not seen it, but it’s out there, and it’s ready for the hunt!’ The Cat of Camborne, Jason Kenyon
Thin streaks of cloud trailed across an azure sky, whilst a murmuration of starlings contrasted in a beautiful swooping black mass against the blue. After the Storm, Lamorna Ireland
It is the music I miss the most. The reassuring noise in an otherwise empty house to give me the illusion that I’m not alone. Filling the Silence, Anita D Hunt
Short Stories:
The Fall by Rose Taylor
With many thanks to Lucy Smith of Illustration by Lu for her stunning illustration and book design.
Publication date 1st June 2024.
Cornwall Beneath and Beyond is available from our shop