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Author Interview with April Lee Fields
Our author interview with April Lee Fields reveals a wonderful heart behind the mystical persona.

Author Interview with J C Berry
In our author interview with J C Berry we find out how Cornwall inspires and shapes his writing and his favourite books.

Author Interview with Francis Edwards
In our Author Interview with Francis Edwards, we discover that Francis grew up in Camborne at a time when the last few mines were closing

A reading from A Cornish Rant by Anita Hunt
“Jess finished rolling out the pastry and started deftly turning a large potato in one hand, chipping small bite-sized chunks off with a knife before

A reading from The Teddy Bear Emporium by Rachel Fitch
“Doris sat in a rocking chair. The only light her fingers worked by was the blazing log fire in the hearth. The wind howled outside

A reading from A Spell in Cornwall by Claudia Loveland
“He became aware that he was awake and turned to look at Belle beside him. So close, so detached. Beautiful in the half light. He

A reading from Ms Fitts Lament by Angela Fitt
The extract is read by Claudia Loveland. “What am I doing in Cornwall What am I doing down here I’m ten years older than when

A reading from Barnacle Bill by Caroline Palmer
The excerpt is read by Stephen Baird. “Winnie from Wisconsin USA was staying with her cousin Jane Hoskin, and was determined to make friends with

A reading from Waiting by Anita Hunt
“It was far too dangerous for him to be at the beach at this hour. The night was his cover and the incoming tide his

A reading from After the Daccarian Accord by John Evident
“I can’t do justice with the right expressive words to get across to you the sensation of a heightened exuberant awareness. It’s like a kind

A longer reading from Flecks of Gold by Stephen Baird
“An extract from the short story Flecks of Gold by Stephen Baird, published in the Cornwall Writers anthology Cornwall: Misfits, Curiosities and Legends. The sunset

A short reading from Flecks of Gold by Stephen Baird
“He is huge and his chariot would dwarf the biggest hay cart you’ve ever seen. The chariot never touches the ground and nor do his