A reading from Ms Fitts Lament by Angela Fitt


The extract is read by Claudia Loveland.

“What am I doing in Cornwall

What am I doing down here

I’m ten years older than when I arrived and I’ve only been here a year


What am I doing in Cornwall

What on earth am I doing down here

I’m slow

And I’m dreary

And teary

And weary

And two hours drive from IKEA


And the man in my life simply loves it”

Ms Fitt’s Lament can be found in the short story collection Cornwall: Misfits, Curiosities and Legends.


Cornish Writers

Claudia Loveland

Claudia Loveland writes short Cornish storiesthat explore the experiences of newcomers and returners: those who want to lose their history or redesign their future.

Books Published by Cornwall Writers

Cornwall Secret and Hidden

Cornwall Secret and Hidden by Cornwall Writers is an eclectic collection of short stories written by authors in Cornwall.