Cornish Books


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Wild Flower by April Lee Fields

Wild Flower is a thought provoking book of tantalizing poetry and the sister-piece to April’s self-published memoir, ‘A Version of You.’ Journey through this mystical world of poetry and experience April’s enthralling stories in a whole new light… the kind of light that just wants the Wild Flower within us all to bloom.

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A Version of You by April Lee Fields

‘A Version of You,’ is an introspective adventure that will take the reader upon a journey throughout the course of one year within a young woman’s life on the road. The story is a true tale that speaks with raw, poetic gravity about, not only the endearing beauty of travel, but also the unspoken hardships faced when attempting to maintain a sense of personal identity against the worlds ever changing backdrop.


The Flesh Auction by J C Berry

The Flesh Auction is a dark fantasy novel set in medieval Cornwall. Vampiric-like beings have ravaged the lands and rule as bloodthirsty dictators. Delen, Kilian and Quin must fight for their lives and freedom, but what sacrifices are they willing to make for the hope of a new future?

Return to Zennor

The Return to Zennor by Lilac Rosenwyn (Alexandra Fowler)

He lay down, his ears in the water. The sea was almost singing to him. The sun was warm on his face and he felt relaxed.
Suddenly he felt something grab his ankle. He couldn’t see what it was, but it was pulling him away from the shore and further out to sea. He couldn’t fight it and he couldn’t get away.
What was he going to do?

Ross Poldark by Winston Graham

Ross Poldark was first published in 1945 and is the first book of twelve in Winston Graham’s Poldark series. Set in Cornwall 1783, post serving


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