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Non Fiction

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Kate Barden

“Just have a go…what’s the worst that can happen…?”

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Rob Bonser-Wilton

Rob Bonser-Wilton is researching the Porthpean Giffard family double homicide of 1952/3. Was or was not Miles Giffard insane?

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Kiera Smitheram

Kiera was born and raised on the north coast of Cornwall, and much of her writing is inspired by the rugged caves and Atlantic breezes of her childhood. 


111 Days by Ross James

The trip began one October night in 2001. In the utter darkness of the high seas, I transferred from a fishery patrol ship to a rusty old trawler more than 200 miles from land, somewhere on Newfoundland’s Grand Banks. All I had by way of a handover was a note from my predecessor warning of a recent traumatic death on board the ship and his suspicions about the vessel fishing illegally.

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Greg Richards

Writer and blogger covering film, travel, beer and Cornwall. He is hoping that one day someone will ask him to write a piece about a pub holding a film festival, or a cinema holding a beer festival, in a far flung corner of Cornwall. Until then he is focusing his efforts on fictional short stories.

April Lee Fields

April Lee Fields

April Lee Fields is a self-published Author, Shamanic Songstress, and internationally recognized Spoken Word Artist. Performing live readings from her works, April effortlessly brings the quietude of the written word to life by submerging her audience in the sacred and ancient art of storytelling.