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Jiggery Pokery by Walker Zupp

In ‘Jiggery Pokery’ by Walker Zupp, John Gaule, rector of Saint Andrew’s, tries to end the Witchfinder General’s reign of terror…

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Kiera Smitheram

Kiera was born and raised on the north coast of Cornwall, and much of her writing is inspired by the rugged caves and Atlantic breezes of her childhood. 

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Rachel Fitch

Cornwall is such a good place for inspiration, the beaches, rugged coastlines, wooded areas … and let’s not forget the pasties. Seriously, they are good brain food! So now I can say it out loud – I’m Rachel and I am a writer. 

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Greg Richards

Writer and blogger covering film, travel, beer and Cornwall. He is hoping that one day someone will ask him to write a piece about a pub holding a film festival, or a cinema holding a beer festival, in a far flung corner of Cornwall. Until then he is focusing his efforts on fictional short stories.

Cornwall Secret and Hidden

Cornwall Secret and Hidden by Cornwall Writers is an eclectic collection of short stories written by authors in Cornwall.