An Asian Adventure by April Lee Fields

Join author, April Lee Fields, as she tells the true tale of a young woman’s life on the road.

In, An Asian Adventure, you will find ‘A Version of You’ diving deeply into delicious Asian street foods that will awaken your taste buds, cause you to question your sobriety and, like the very journey itself, test your guts.

A Version of You will discover the difference between being a tourist and a traveller, brush up against perilous vehicular journeys that abide by no man’s rules, and traverse the hot desert plains of Cambodia… where life is simple and the sun, savage.

Here, you will enjoy suspicious cigarettes, island life, neon paint parties, and connections of the spirit & soul… As well as the unique chance to reinvent one’s self against the world’s ever changing backdrop.

‘An Asian Adventure,’ is Book 1 of a 10 part booklet, short- story series that have been extracted from the memoir, ‘A Version of You.’

“Later that night, my lover and I swam nude in the midnight ocean. Warm waters wrapped their waves effortlessly around my body as if they had somehow missed me. The sky held the promise of a nearby full moon upon it and, as I stood beneath its magic, I felt the undeniable kinship between that wise, white face and its incessant pull upon my body. The water rolled off of my lover as if his skin were made of illuminated oil and, as I looked down upon the glow of my own skin, I saw that every inch of me had been drenched in a heavenly light. The bright of the moon poured itself down upon me, watering me as if I were night jasmine, pressing sweet scents out of my petals in order that their aroma might rise up past its lunar garden and become one with the light of the moon.”

Excerpt from ‘A Version of You.’
Written by April Lee Fields.


Available at:

April Lee Fields

April Lee Fields

April Lee Fields is a self-published Author, Shamanic Songstress, and internationally recognized Spoken Word Artist. Performing live readings from her works, April effortlessly brings the quietude of the written word to life by submerging her audience in the sacred and ancient art of storytelling.

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Wild Flower by April Lee Fields

Wild Flower is a thought provoking book of tantalizing poetry and the sister-piece to April’s self-published memoir, ‘A Version of You.’ Journey through this mystical world of poetry and experience April’s enthralling stories in a whole new light… the kind of light that just wants the Wild Flower within us all to bloom.

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A Version of You by April Lee Fields

‘A Version of You,’ is an introspective adventure that will take the reader upon a journey throughout the course of one year within a young woman’s life on the road. The story is a true tale that speaks with raw, poetic gravity about, not only the endearing beauty of travel, but also the unspoken hardships faced when attempting to maintain a sense of personal identity against the worlds ever changing backdrop.