yellow tulips-9068b106

Of Little Red Riding Hood, Grandmas & Wolves

Of Little Red Riding Hood Grandmas & Wolves is a story about the difficulties implicit in delivering ‘care’ to elderly service users. It is  also a story about the importance of making sure the ‘care’ we deliver is the best it possibly can be. Mrs Pascoe is a feisty but cheerful old lady who once wife to a local farmer and is now mother to Peran, her grown-up son. She is fortunate enough to be living out her final years supported in her own home…

‘So, come five o’clock, I pull into the yard with a dozen yellow tulips on my car seat. They are glorious, resplendent, like an armful of sunshine, wrapped up in cellophane and tied with a shiny orange bow. I am inordinately pleased with myself, looking forward to making my entrance. What a great guy I have turned out to be.’

Cornish locations mentioned in this story:


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Author Bio:


Abigail Ottley

Abigail Ottley is a Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee, her debut collection, Out of Eden, is due out in May, 2025.

Morvoren Poetry Project

Morvoren: the poetry of sea swimming is a collection of poems and images about women who swim in the sea in Cornwall.

Cornwall Secret and Hidden

Cornwall Secret and Hidden by Cornwall Writers is an eclectic collection of short stories written by authors in Cornwall.