Author Interview with Christopher Johnson
In our Author Interview with Christopher Johnson we discover the inspiration for his short stories set in Cornwall
In our Author Interview with Christopher Johnson we discover the inspiration for his short stories set in Cornwall
Christopher Johnson is a writer of Short Story fiction, set in North Cornwall. He has written 5 Collections and an Audio Book.
CHBN Radio interview with T J Dockree, about how Cornwall Writers began, creating the anthologies and her writing journey.
David Harley reveals much more about himself and his writing than anyone will ever want to read.
Writer, blogger, editor, researcher, musician. Books on IT security, music, verse, humour, history, fiction.
The Triumph of Goliathia Tremayne by Catherine Leyshon is a wonderfully funny short story set near Camborne.
The Saint and the Smugglers by T J Dockree is a tempting short story with a humourous twist appearing in Cornwall Beneath and Beyond.
Cornwall Beneath and Beyond Publishing Campaign 8pm Tues 23rd April – 8pm Thurs 2nd May 2024: update on progress towards publishing our anthology.
Cornwall Beneath and Beyond by Cornwall Writers is an eclectic collection of short stories written by authors from across Cornwall.
Archimegadon, Mage for Hire, lands himself in hot water when he takes on a seemingly-simple delivery for a suspect amount of gold.
Jason Kenyon is a fantasy author from South-West England with roots in Cornwall. He is currently working on several novels, including a sci-fi fantasy series.
If I told you that I had a monster living in my attic, chances are you wouldn’t believe me