Look Up by Kate Barden is an absorbing short story told in a uniquely powerful way.
Avoidance can be broadly defined as ‘keeping away from or stopping oneself from doing something.’
While Amelie and her mum are on holiday in Cornwall, they each come to realise that grief comes in waves and can’t be avoided forever.
The castle was built on a granite crag that rose out of the sea. Within twenty minutes of leaving the beach, they were circling its island. Tracey’s voice washed forward and backward, knowledgeable, and if one could hear her properly, it was probably very interesting.’ …seals, dolphins, sunfish…’…..’ …Norman Conquest… Benedictine monks…’
But Amelie’s attention had been grabbed by something else, something other than the history lesson being delivered in the round Cornish accent.
Look Up appears in the Cornwall Writers anthology Cornwall Secret and Hidden.