Cornwall Writers at Saltash Library Literary Festival

Cornwall Writers at Saltash Library Literary Festival on Monday 2nd October at 2pm.

We had a wonderful email from Saltash Library asking if Cornwall Writers would like to do a talk/chat during their Literary Fest to celebrate Libraries Week (2-8 October). They have a brilliant selection of authors coming in throughout the week plus Coppice Theatre doing a play for children (which I’d love to watch myself!!)

The talk should be no more than 45 mins with a Q&A afterwards. It’s very informal. Just pop along and find out more about what we do, the writers we work with and our short story project. Please feel free to ask lots of questions! We’ll also do a few readings and sign some books.

We’ll be selling our anthologies to help promote and support Cornish and Cornish based writers. Saltash Library are keen to support local authors, whether up and coming, best-selling or anywhere in-between.

Saltash Library have their own writers group and book club, which we hope to add to our writing group page and book club page as soon as they are ready. The Saltash Library book club are very interested in the eclectic mix of genres and the organiser has said he has been reading books he wouldn’t normally pick off the shelf. The Saltash Library writers group are a range of people and ages from the amateur to the professional journalist.

Other talks throughout the Litfest Week will be by crime/thriller genre authors, travel writer Emily Barr, who is very popular at the library, childrens authors and much more. Find out the full itinerary at Saltash Library Literary Festival