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Penzance Literary Festival
Penzance Litfest takes place 5th – 8th July 2023 with writing workshops, books readings, author talks and much much more!

Penzance Literary Festival
5th – 8th July 2023
Over four exciting days, Penzance will host an eclectic selection of talented authors, writers, performers and poets with writing workshops, books readings, author talks and much much more!

Cornwall Writers at Bude Literary Festival
Cornwall Writers at Bude Literary Festival with a local author pop up bookshop outside the Castle Sat 20th May and Sun 21st May 2023.

Call out for local authors to sell your books at Bude Literary Festival
Cornwall Writers will be running a pop up shop at Bude Literary Festival where we hope to promote as many local authors as we can and would love to have you with us signing your books.

Bude Literary Festival
Bude Literary Festival 17th – 22nd May 2023 features some big literary names and acts alongside local authors, musicians and performers

PLOTS and PITCH – how to describe your book
PLOTS and PITCH How would you pitch your story?

GENRE – what is it? Do we need it?
GENRE – who’s our audience and what do they expect?

£3,000 international writing award from the Scottish Arts Trust
£3,000 international writing award for Scottish Arts Club Short Story Competition open to writers worldwide and stories up to 2,000 words.

The Welkin Writing Prize – Open for Entries
The Welkin Writing Prize is free-to-enter. Send in your flash fiction, short-short, vignette, haibun, hermit crab, prose poem…

Cornwall Writers Book Signing at Falmouth Fringe Book Festival
Cornwall Writers Book Signing at Falmouth Fringe Festival 12pm Saturday 22nd October 2022 with the Cornwall Secret and Hidden anthology

Author Interview with A.A Barrett
In our author interview with A.A Barrett we discover the huge inspiration her grandparents are for her writing and books

Walker Zupp: Confessions
Walker Zupp: Confessions