
Author Interview with Neil Walters

If I told you that I had a monster living in my attic, chances are you wouldn’t believe me

Tell us a little about yourself

I was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon, but have lived the majority of my life in the West Country.

I have always loved writing in one form or another, whether for my children, Grandchildren, or myself. I also write lyrics as I play in a couple of bands.

  • Anything by Stephen King.

  • Toast normally, though porridge in the winter

  • Tough.....Too many tonpin one down

  • 10-11

  • Personal pleasure mainly, and for my children and grandchildren

  • Absolutely...and the homework. Weird eh?

  • Many things as it is a collection of short stories. Ideas come from the strangest places

  • Definitely a villain....but with a noble cause (lol)

  • At home

  • It's independence

  • Getting a good reaction from my friends and family, and just pouring my ideas onto the page

  • I wouldn't say that it has shaped my writing at all. I think that you can be creative wherever you live

  • Many things, as I say, it is a collection. Two examples are a real life WWII bunker in Yorkshire with a wicked past, and a driving job I had

  • Spiderman....he was always so cool. There is a story in my book entitled "Spiderman takes a holiday". I am not a Marvel or DC fan in general, as you will find out if you read it.

  • Pizza

  • I used to copy from books and use my Mum's old typewriter from as far back as I can remember

  • Write about what you know....and throw in a twist

  • Two dogs

  • Hedgehog....simply my favourite animal

  • I don't listen whilst I write, I need silence, but I listen to a LOT of music....I also play it as a drummer in two bands
