Library books are a great way for potential readers to discover authors, start following them and buy their future books.
But did you know that you can also earn extra income whenever your books are borrowed, read out or copied?
Public Lending Right
Apart from earning a royalty on any book bought by the library, authors can also receive a small amount of money every time someone borrows their book from a public library.
Authors, illustrators, editors, translators or audiobook narrators can receive remuneration from public library book loans. The UK PLR scheme pays up to £6,600 per year and the Irish PLR scheme up to €1,000 per year.
To be eligible for PLR you must meet the following criteria:
- be named on the book’s title page or entitled to a royalty payment from the publisher (you do not have to own the copyright)
- live in the UK or EU* (*see for more specific details)
- published with a valid ISBN number
If you’re eligible you can register all books you’ve contributed to, for both UK and Irish PLR.
Please make sure that you sign up by 30 June to be included in the calculations up to 30 June.
For more information and contact details, please go to
Secondary rights
Secondary Rights are where a third party uses a work that’s already been distributed to the public – such as when schools photocopy books they own, or libraries lend books, or overseas TV companies retransmit UK TV signals.
The Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) collects income from all over the world for writers and contributors to books:
1. Photocopying, scanning and digital reuse of electronic and online publications
The Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) gives licensing options and collects income from businesses, educational institutions and government agencies to pay writers when their works are copied or scanned.
2. Overseas Public Lending Right (PLR) shemes
German PLR payments are based on information about the author’s name (rather than the book titles that are borrowed) and French PLR payments are based on a system that monitors which books the libraries are buying (not lending out).
3. Other income sources
- overseas income when extracts of literary works are read out on radio and TV
- rental of audiobooks and other schemes for allowing accessible copies of works (known as ‘small literary rights’)
- payments to book authors when their works are adapted into scripts
- retransmission of scripted works broadcast on TV and radio
- educational recordings
To register with ALCS, you pay a small fee for lifetime membership (deducted from their first payment to you) and let them know which books and contributions to books, magazines and other works you have published. They will work out the rest and pay you your share twice a year.